Scanning and Reading Product Comments

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SARA CE™ Keeps Blind-Hearing Impaired 80-year-old Home and Independent

"Nearly deaf for years, but highly computer literate and happily maintaining his entire household in his late 80s, my father-in-law very suddenly became blind as well," writes P.R. Getson. "Bills piled up and tasks went undone; taxes needed filing by others, and all privacy regarding correspondence was lost or responses ignored. He had no way to be reliably contacted about important matters without an on-site interpreter. Computer and screen adaptations were of no value, and his children live at far distance from him.

"How to prevent this unexpected double sensory disability from forcing him out of his house and leaving his prior independence and well-organized life behind? We struggled to find a solution for a year. Enter Freedom Scientific and the astonishing SARA CE which he can now use with his favorite headphones! We arranged for him to be introduced to the machine and expected a steep learning curve, but he understood functions, commands and overall capabilities within only minutes ... his largest grin in a year occurred when he could once again "read" his utility bill! The company representative provided calm, capable and extraordinary service to be certain a new machine could be made available and set up while we visited over a holiday. His manner indicated personal care for and involvement with all of his clients.

"Freedom Scientific has top design, engineering, myriad combinations of hard and software choices, as well as exceptional overall representation, training and service. No one could ask for more."

Thrilled SARA CE Owner Can Now Hear Documents Privately

"I have had my SARA-CE now for about 46 hours, and I have been able to go through approximately 15 pounds of documents," says happy SARA CE owner Mark Blier. "I am totally blind, and this is a huge step for me because I can do this privately, without someone else reacting to my materials before I even know what they are.

"Just for the fun of it, I have also connected my Pac Mate 40-cell Braille display and have tested it to see if it read menus and text. I did this so that I could say that SARA-CE is also accessible to the deaf-blind. I know of two such people, and I will pass my remarks on to them as well … Both menus and text were displayed accurately on my display, so that I really can share my enthusiasm with them.

"I have tried other scanning systems before over the past 20 or so years, and my SARA-CE is far and away the best of 'em all."

SARA CE Fits the Purpose - and the Space

“I was so intrigued with the November 2010 FSCast about the new SARA CE that I ordered one on Christmas Day," says Mary Emerson. "Although I am experienced with a PC, I have a very crowded work space, which makes it very challenging to move things around and make room; also, I often like to get away from the PC and use a standalone device. So, I got the SARA CE. I've tried it out and am delighted with it … the scanning accuracy is superb! Thanks so much; I'll get a lot of use from this device.”

OpenBook® Scanning and Reading Software - Use It with Your iPod

According to Gery Gaubert, "OpenBook 8.0 is the greatest version of OpenBook so far. Character recognition has come a long way. Being able to save as as audio files is great. I can scan documents and then save them as audio. I can then take the MP3 file and put it on my iPod or MP3 player and take it with me. If I want to read, I am not tied down to a PC.”