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What is PM-Checkbook?

A checkbook register is available as a Pocket Excel workbook. Use it to keep track of debits and credits in your checking account.

Select PM-CHECKBOOK.exe to download and extract the checkbook register to your computer or CompactFlash card. (The file extracts to the default folder C:\PAC_Mate_Checkbook.) Next, use ActiveSync to copy the file PM-CHECKBOOK.xls to your PAC Mate.

Using PM-Checkbook for the First Time

  1. Open Pocket Excel and locate the file PM-CHECKBOOK.xls in the list view.
  2. Press enter to launch Pocket Excel and open the workbook.
  3. Enter your checking account balance in cell C1. This automatically populates cells C2 and C3, the Current Balance and Reconciled Balance cells.

    If your first entry is a check, enter your check number in cell A7.

    Enter the date in cell B7.

    If the transaction is a check, enter the amount in cell C7. If the transaction is a deposit, enter the amount in cell D7.

    Enter the payee’s name, company, or organization into cell E7, and enter any comments about the transaction into cell H7.

    Do not enter data into cells G7 or I7 since these cells contain formulas.
  4. Cell F7 is simply labeled as “X.” This column is intended to indicate when the check amount is actually debited from or credited to your account. Once you know that the check has posted, place an X in this column, which causes your Reconciled Amount (cell C3) to reflect the changed amount. This also changes the data that appears in column I.
  5. Repeat step 3 to continue to enter credits and deposits in the checkbook register.
  6. When you are finished, save the file as described in Saving PM-Checkbook.

Saving PM-Checkbook

The following describes how to save the file to a PAC Mate memory location or CompactFlash card using Pocket Excel.

  1. Press the ALT Key (F2), choose Tools, and press ENTER.
  2. Choose Save Workbook As and press ENTER.
  3. Enter a file name in the Name text box, and, if necessary, select a folder from the Folder list box.
  4. Select main memory, flash disk, or storage card in the Location list box. Main memory and flash disk store the file on the PAC Mate. Storage card saves the file on to the CompactFlash card.
  5. Choose OK.

What is a Reconciled Amount?

Unlike the “Current Balance” which is calculated based upon the amounts of the checks and deposits you have entered into the checkbook, the reconciled balance is calculated based upon the actual amounts of the checks which have posted to your account (the actual amount of funds taken from your account). This lets you keep track of the actual amount of funds available to you in your checking account and also makes you be aware of any checks which have not cleared.

What Does It Cost?

PM-Checkbook is a free download.

How Do I Get It and Install It?

Select PM-CHECKBOOK.exe to download and extract the checkbook register to your computer or CompactFlash card. (The file extracts to the default folder C:\PAC_Mate_Checkbook.) Next, use ActiveSync to copy the file PM-CHECKBOOK.xls to your PAC Mate.

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