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PAC Mate BX Keyboard Driver Download

In response to user requests for a change in the keying characteristics of the PAC Mate BX keyboard, Freedom Scientific has released a new JAWS keyboard driver that is compatible with any PAC Mate language from release 2.5 and later. After the file is loaded and a warm reset is performed, the BX Perkins-style keyboard behaves in a manner very similar to the keyboards of Freedom Scientific's Classic Notetakers. We expect the change to the BX keyboard behavior to prove useful to those BX users who find that they are inadvertently keying unwanted characters.

What Does It Do?

  • Keystroke input occurs only after all nine BX keys (the eight “DOT keys” and the space bar) are no longer depressed.
  • When the cursor cross is used as a part of a keystroke (for example, the Page-Down command (DOT 5+DOWN ARROW)), the keystroke is entered each time the cursor cross is released, even though one or more DOT keys are still depressed.
  • When a Function key is used as part of a keystroke (for example, pressing F4 CHORD to hear the time or F4 CHORD twice quickly to hear the date), the keystroke is entered each time the Function key is released, even though one or more DOT keys are still depressed.

Directions for Download and Installation

Download and install the Gil.jlb file according to the steps below.

Note: If a cold reset is performed, the PAC Mate BX reverts to its previous keyboard behavior. It is recommended that you perform a Sprite Backup, or a full backup using ActiveSync, before and after installing the Gil.jlb file. This allows you to easily restore your PAC Mate to its original keyboard or current keyboard behavior should you need to perform a cold reset for any reason.

To install the Gil.jlb file:

  1. Select Gil.jlb to download the file to your computer. Save the file to a location that you can easily retrieve it from later.
  2. Connect the BX to your computer and synchronize using ActiveSync.
  3. Launch Windows Explorer or My Computer.
  4. Select the Gil.jlb file and copy it to the clipboard.
  5. Using Windows Explorer or My Computer, open Mobile Device\My Pocket PC Device\Windows
  6. Paste the Gil.jlb file into this folder.
  7. Disconnect the BX from the computer.
  8. Perform a warm reset (DOTS 1-2-3-4-6-7-8 CHORD) of the BX.

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